Merry After Xmas folks... I finally got around to watching this, and it took me 2 sittings to stomach and force myself through it. Chuck Norris, and Lee Van Cleef in: The Octagon.
ok. i bought this @ a Flying J truckstop for 2.99. Somewhere in the middle of the country... i have no idea where, b/c all of those Flying J's, T&A's, Pilots, etc. look the same. But this one had a brand new shipment of these dvd's in the flatcards. Hundreds of them, and hardly any were the same. I only stood there for a second, and most of them looked like shit, but this one's cover stood out. How tuff does that look, right?? WRONG!! For all intents and purposes, i think this movie is supposed to be about a training camp for terrorists run by a bunch of ninjas (who aren't supposed to exist anymore) and simultaneously led by Chuck's estranged half-brother. Ok. well, it starts off good enough, with a mansion and a car pulling out, and 2 chicks with a runaway baby carriage, when the driver jumps out to see if the baby is hurt, the chicks pull out machine guns and fucking slaughter the driver and the dude who he was driving. And they used a shit load of blood packets, so you'd think these dudes were important too, but nope, they hardly mention them again except that they were victims of a terror attack. So, next scene, we're @ some banquet for some chick, and there's our hero, and his buddy, no explanation why they are there. Norris wants the chick, at the afterparty, he says 2 words to her, then BANG! she's off for drinks with him. Ok, so only later to you get some kind of idea that there's a karate convention in town, no idea why this chick was singing at it, AND you never see any of the karate matches. I still have no idea if im right about that. They vaguely mention it, b/c everyone is hounding Chuck about not fighting b/c he "accidently" hurt someone years ago. Anyway, i forgot to mention that Chuck is a schizofrenic in this one too. Every five minutes he keeps hearing voices with an annoying double layered Echoplex that is like him arguing with himself & explaining (poorly) whether he should fight or not. So back to the "story". That chick is killed in 5 minutes (by ninja). A huge gang of rednecks are trucked out into the desert to train in the ninja style. One badass ninja keeps beating the shit out of the rednecks to "teach" them. Lee Van Cleef tries to convince Chuck to avenge the chicks death. He says no. Some old chick breaks down, and Chuck tries to help her. Then she splits leaving him stranded. He has her card so he shows up at her house. He smells a rat. He calls her bluff. She wants the ninjas killed but she's shady. The buddy falls for her, and is jealous of Chuck. He thinks Chuck is a pussy and goes after the ninja himself. Chuck tries to infiltrate the ninja school. They know who he is. He whoops some ass. A 3rd love interest redneck chick defects from the Ninja (somehow). She tells chuck she wants to help him. She takes her shirt off. He bangs her. Ninjas break in. Its taking him WAAAAY to long to "convince himself in his head that he can believe himself" that his brother Sekurya is training terrorists. Then the old chick is murdered. Then FINALLY, chuck and the 3rd chick fly to japan or wherever, and chuck goes to avenge all the chicks deaths, find his buddy and stop his brother. The last 15 minutes of the movie are all you need to watch. As a matter of fact, 99% of the trailer comes from the last 5 minutes of the flick! Then you finally get to see some explosions and whatever. It really wasnt worth it. You'll never get your time back from this one, but in its defense, i did watch this completely sober. Im sure it may have been a bit better stoned. maybe. have a great new year yall!
welcome welcome. its been a while. you can easily tell the months that we are on tour by checking how many posts i put on the ol vloggg. oct/nov had one apiece. that means im busy as shit. otherwise, im just lounging around watching bad movies and painting or writing. anyway, welcome back to me. i just unintentionally watched a couple movies with ol William Sanderson in them. You may remember him from Newhart. He was Larry w/ his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl. Larry, Darryl, and Darryl. Remember them? he was the one who spoke. Anyway, a while ago i heard about this movie someone said i "HAD" to watch for the vloggg. I downloaded it. Yeah, i downloaded it, what of it? you'll never find the goddamn thing any other way. While we were driving thru the alps last month, i watched it. Terrible, awful, horrible racist language, yet an intruiging story that probably would NEVER be made today.
it starts out w/ a truck full of inmates getting run off the road, then the 3 of them bashing a flatfoot over his gordon when he goes to check on them. they then snake his pistol and escape to the suburbs with dreams of skipping the country to canada then flying to paris? anyway, typical plot really, i guess what makes this one so brutal is not only sandersons dialogue delivery but maybe just the fact that this is so classic grindhouse that it almost seems to good to be true. Sanderson plays the main baddy Jesse Kane, and he's a sadistic care-less motherfucker. they knock over a liquor store and this cute little black girl is buying wine for a dinner party her family is having. they kidnap her and go back to her place, and there's where the film takes its name. The family is a pacifist preacher Ted Turner's family. Theres a brief unexplained scene where apparently they are inviting the white girlfriend of their dead vet son over for this dinner. the unnecessary cut scene shows this dude making out hard with this white girl in front of a fireplace with very quick shots of their car careening around a very curvy road. its ridiculous, and i guess youre supposed to get that the mother hates this chick and blames her for their sons death in this car accident. but i digress. The preacher dad is a stick in the mud, and wont stand up to these bad dudes, kane, a chinese guy, and a spanish guy. they basically hold the family hostage, call them every racist thing they can think of, and then rape the daughter. the young sons friend almost gets to tell the cops, but gets caught and gets his face bashed in in the woods. Also, the white chick gets raped and thrown over a waterfall. well, finally Preacher "Turd Turnip" gets some balls and they get the best of Kane. He gets his neck shot off in the end. Literally. Hard to watch if you don't like racist language, and seeing little kids get smashed in the face with bricks, but pretty good if you like video nasties.
Now, remember that list of movies i was talking about last time? the one where everyone has a list of flicks that everyone has seen but you? well, i just tackled another on my list. Now, in my defense, ive tried many times to watch this one, only to pass out or just lose interest after a few moments. ive recently come to find out that many people LOVE this movie, and many consider it a piece of shit. AND that is why there are no less than 5 versions of the same movie out there. I chose to watch the very first OG version... simply because it was supposedly the closest to the book, which i just read, which made me want to finally sit down and see this fucker. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" by Philip K. Dick was made into BLADERUNNER by Ridley Scott.
The reason i chose to watch the OG version was b/c everyone said this is the one that had Dekkard's narration or inner monologue. Supposedly it was cut from the newer versions. And those are all you can find on DVD. Maybe there is one of the og ones out there, but i found it on vhs for a dollar, so whatever. The Sanderson connection is that he plays JF Sebastian, instead of the counterpart in the book JR Isadore. God knows WHY he would change such a very simple name like that. The character was a bit different, but not SO much. Apparently i should watch the directors cut and the final cut too now, b/c they have different endings. hmmm. well, anyway, i guess when i was younger i wanted my sci-fi to have space battles and shit like that, and now i realize that most of these sci-fi dudes were storytellers telling grim tales of a future that COULD very well come true, because they are about ideologies rather than cowboy shootemups... i guess i can appreciate this better. I highly recommend the book, there is a whole lot more to the book, i mean they couldnt very well put a few of the parts in the flick and make it make sense, but it is pretty good... and I wanna thank Beeby for getting me into it via graphic novel, and Jason for purchasing a copy of the novel for me. Anyone not familiar with the story, here the movie version: Retired cop Dekkard was the best at retiring androids who've escaped from being slaves on mars and come back to earth where they are illegal. There are 4 he has to kill... his old boss (M. EMMETT WALSH!!) cons him into coming back to retire this latest crop- the NEXUS 6. a highly advanced model, they give him the business. and so it goes from there. i won't ruin it for ya. just try to make it through it. took me fucking years.... but i will say, i was finally worth it. MURRY XMASS EVERYBODY!!! more coming soon!
yosoholius. ive been on tourrr. So sorry for the slackness... lot's of bad flixxx, tourrr pixxx, and other timewasting shit coming up... can you handle a bit more of a wait??
ok, so everybody's got a list of movies that they've never seen, but supposedly "everyone"'s seen. When you say you've never seen said flick, everyone is immediately taken aback. "You've never seen the Lost Boys??" or "C'mon, you've never seen Animal House?" The usual response is, well, i've seen half of it, or not all the way through, or better yet, it's been a loooong time. Well, I've got a list like that, and i'm tackling it head on. No bullshit excuses here, until this weekend, I had never seen "IT" or "Roadhouse" all the way through. So I headed to VisArt, and the results are exactly why i do this section... one was bad, and one was awesome:
So, first off, I watched IT. i had tried unsuccessfully to watch this "made for tv" miniseries several times now. Including my last ill fated attempt a few weeks back. The last time i tried, I even unknowingly started the dvd on side 2, watching about an hour into part 2 and wondering what the fuck everyone was talking about. I wondered why the goddamn thing didnt have any credits or anything. It didnt make any sense. I mean who was this white haired asshole in the looney bin, where'd he come into play?? So this time, I rented the vhs and me and the Nitewolf sat down to business. Basically, i have only a few problems with this flick. Its like the director couldn't decide who he wanted to be the narrator. I think there's the main narrator, and then the "losers" each narrate their own first encounter w/ Pennywise. But i'm getting ahead of myself. This flicks starts off w/ a child murder. Then this black dude, a librarian named Mike Hanlin finds a pic on the ground. So he flips out and calls all his nerd buddies from 30 years ago. Apparently they made a promise to each other to come back to their podunk town, Derry, Maine, if this monster child killer ever came around again.
So then it goes around all over the country and england to where his friends have migrated. First you get John Boy from the Waltons w/ an amazing ponytail who's a horror writer in england writing a screenplay w/ his wife. Then you get fuckin John Ritter whos a big shit architect in nyc (who used to be fat). Then you have Harry Anderson from Night Court who's like a David Letterman type nightshow host. Then you get the token chick, the asthma nerd, and the boy scout. They all freak out when he calls them. The boy scout even slashes his wrists in the tub, so he never makes it back (well except for his head is in a refrigerator at one point). Part one is the flashback movie. It shows what happened when they were kids. You have seth green as harry anderson, he's attacked by a werewolf, and then the kid from the chuck norris flick "sidekicks" and the terrible "neverending story 2" as the young version of main stuttering nerd john boy walton. He started stuttering after his little brother was ripped in half by a evil clown named Pennywise in a drainage ditch. That's who's pic mike hanlin found. So stuttering nerd gets asthma nerd, and fat nerd, and girl nerd to build a dam w/ him down under the bridge. Then they start hangin w/ funny nerd and scout nerd. One day theyre hangin out and the new black kid nerd is getting chased by the same greaser bullies who beat the hell out of all of them. So they throw rocks at the greasers and the greasers threaten them with death. Then they confess all kinds of heavy shit to each other. They become "tight". In all honesty, with so much going on in here, its no wonder its all over the place. The girl nerd has an abusive father, the fat nerd is poor, and gets treated like shit by his relatives, the asthma nerds mom has an oedipus complex. It gets heavy. Then this mike guy lets them all in on this 30 year curse on the town, then shows a photo album that comes to life, and they all freak. So fast forward, they go in the sewers to try and kill it. The greasers follow after them, and IT eats 2 of them and cripples the main one w/ madness and dyes his hair white. Then the asthma nerd sprays acid out of his inhaler on IT's face and the chick slingshots it in the head w/ some Silver broaches. Then IT does a backflip into a deeper part of the sewer drain? i guess. then they go on with their lives promising to come back. ok. Part 2: So mikes called them, they all come back (except the boy scout) then they all start seeing shit, but they keep going "what happened?" "i can't remember any of it." "mike remind us." "hey man, why did we come back here again?" over and over and over. Why do you think you came back? goddamn, the fog in their brains mustve been thick... Each character keeps seeing blood everywhere, but can't seem to remember a goddamn thing. Then one by one, they go, "oh yeah, i just had a flashback." and then they go eat at a chinese restaurant, and theyre all freaking out, fainting, screaming, and crying, and no one seems to worry or ask whats the matter, till they open the fortune cookies... but by then, they'd been screaming bloody murder for at least 15 minutes. im not buying it. ok, so after a bunch of lame shit from harry anderson, some more lame stuttering & terrible acting from john boy, finally john ritter tries to prove he wasn't gay and starts smooching the chick. but pennywise is up to his old tricks. finally after what seems like 4 hours, they decide to go kill it again. They go in the sewer, and find John Boys wife, and It turns out to live down there in a little door, and he's not really a clown, he's a giant fucking spider w/ man arms and hands. So IT kills the nerd, and then the chick shoots it in the "deadlights". And it runs away, but the losers have a bloodlust, so they chase it down, and start beating the shit out of it, and eventually John Boy rips its fucking heart out. I half expected him to eat it. the end? No, then after the librarian mike gives us the update on everyone, he says that even though its only been a couple days, he and john boy have to remind each other their names?? and then john boys wife is in a trance, but instead of leaving, he grabs his old bike, and hauls ass down this hill and somehow she magically jolts out of her trance. the end. please. 3 on a scale of 10 that goes -10 to 10. heinous, but points for so many familiar faces. then again, even if it had the greatest actors in the world in it, it could still be a piece of shit.
ok. part 2 of my weekend. it got a whole lot better!!
I can't believe it took me this many years, and the deaths of two prominent cast members to actually see this flick. Often hailed by many of my buddies as the best movie ever, and many critics as the worst movie ever (are they crazy?) i am ashamed to say it took me this long to see this flick. Powerhouse movies somehow pack it all in, and w/ no stretch of the imagination, this ones got it all: Monster trucks plowing thru car lots, blind man fronted bar band covering a ton of jams, at least ten knife fights, throat getting ripped out, dirty strip teases, ben gazzara crooning whilst running people off the road driving, FUCKING TERRY FUNK as a bouncer/muscle dude, John Doe from X as a greasy bartender, a young looking Sam Elliott being as badass as Ive ever seen him, a country loft for $100 a month, a knife boot, exploding auto supply store, swayze gettin cut at least 3 times, naked KELLY LYNCH (whos still hot btw), exploding BMW carflip, death by 6 shotguns, death by knife to the gullet, dancing in a diner, poolcue fight, lots of t&a, and about 25-30 good ass kicking scenes, including a least 5 full on bar romps.
With all that shit crammed in there, why the hell should i spend any more time typing out a plot?? Without a doubt, this one is a full on recommended purchase. 18 outta 20. and im toning it down, trying to think of how this couldve been "cooler". get it?
waaay back in 1997, in Greenville, NC there was a building on the corner of 5th street. This building was Backdoor Sk8park. A bunch of the dudes from art school had bands, and Backdoor provided us w/ a place to play with touring bands from around the world while local dudes skated, other area bands would play and get drunk and it was pretty much anything goes. Nitewolf was starting up a band at the time w/ some dudes and they asked me to sing. Our first show was actually @ the Corner w/ the Spazms, and Bilirubin. Our second show was at Backdoor w/ the Mommyheds. Over the course of our run, we played w/ some killer bands, that mostly don't exist anymore, some of which were: the Spazms, Creeping Phlox, the Mommyheds, Bilirubin, Kill the Hippies, NEMO, Blatt Box, the Soccer Moms, F13, King Monkey, Twin Turbo, Justin Little, Exercises in Breathing, Mollycuddle, Read Palms, the Kickass, the Ladderback, Reason of Insanity, DS13, Municipal Waste (super early on), Hank Earl Carr, Bread & Water, Otophobia, Diskonto, the First Step, JRS, Wheelbite, Pretty Little Flower, Berzerk, Crash Smash Explode, Legend of the Overfiend, Party of Helicopters, the Convocation Of..., If It Doesn't Kill You, Question Rig, Prelude to Damnation, Crimescene 13, Wesley Willis, and a ton more i can't seem to think of right now. Ill post more as they come to me.
Anyway, the other night, I found this little video that either me or our buddy Biggs put together for like an old geocities site in like 1999. Its got some RARE footage of the Robot Condor, and 3 songs from our only released album. "Intro", "LOFI", and "Genitalia". there is a TON more footage that i have on VHS buried somewhere that makes this look even more like shit than it already does... but I'm pretty sure there are people who will appreciate this. LO-FI Conspiracy created some stepping stones for us to be where we are today, and when I watch this over ten year old footage, it kind of blows me away how time flies. LO-FI was: Herbie Abernethy- vocals, Tyler Wolf- bass, Brendan O'Donnell- drums, and DJ Griffin- guitar. Enjoy, and post thoughts and old pics below if you have any! thanx.
***update: thought of a couple more bands! secret life of machines, and sullenspire. probably more to come. i should also mention that the whole scene, Peasants, The Percolator, the Attic, the Corner, the "blue room" and all the house parties made the whole vibe for those days something to remember. thanx for all the feedback!***
alahoyus once again there bad and awesome movie lovers. This here is a classic by none other than John "big trouble" Carpenter himself. THEY LIVE starring "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. I cant really think of a flick by him that i don't cherish in some weird way or another... be it Big Trouble in Little China, Prince of Darkness, The Thing, ... wait a minute! what am i talking about! i forgot about Vampires! that movie SUCKED! you know what though? That one is not JC's fault. Now, if he had Kurt Russell in there instead of fucking James Woods, then maybe Vampires wouldn't have been so heinous. but I digress:
this gem starts out w/ Rowdy Roddy walking into LA from somewhere like Barstow... outta nowhere, a drifter, possibly a veteran a la John Rambo complete w/ sleeping bag & rucksack in tow. you get the sense that he feels outta place and he keeps checking out everyone unquestioningly following leaders and talking heads on tv. Then he gets a job doing construction, and the foreman tells him to beat it, he can't sleep there. So the one dude from The Thing is there, and he's like, well, ill take you to a lil bum shanty town over in west hollywood. And again, even the bums have power so that they can watch tv out in this junkyard. There's this church across the street and every time a tv is on, some dude is pullin a "Pump up the Volume" on the masses. Once when it goes down, Roddy sees this preacher fucking channeling the message, and then the dude in charge grabs the street preacher and hauls his ass the church. Roddy gets suspicious and does some PI work. Then, the whole shebang is discovered by the feds, and they bulldoze the fucking shantytown and rip the church apart, which is where the broadcasts were made. fast forward, Roddy finds some glasses and figures out the church knew about this scheme where a bunch of alien assholes w/ skeleton faces are posin as real people, and as a matter of fact, real RICH people. Then he gets busted, then he fucking kills a bunch of cops. Then he kidnaps a chick, and then she fucking throws him out a window. Then he goes back to find more of the shades, and to alert his buddy from the Thing. That dudes like, get the fuck outta here, i dont want any of yer shit, but then he brings rowdy his paycheck. Then Rowdy's like, dude put these shades on, and the dudes like, fuck you, and Rowdy's like, i said put the goddamned shades on, and then they fight each other for over 5 minutes, no shit, and then finally he shows the dude whats behind door number 2. When they look thru the shades they can see that everything is a facade, and that our whole world is just buy buy buy and basically we are all programmed to consume and reproduce. So then, they get cornered after they go to a meeting of "those in the know". Theres an awesome scene where the chick he kidnapped is about to say how sorry she was, and how stupid she was and its like a love moment then BAM, the fucking side of the building blows up. Anyway, they use a teleporter watch to go underground to where the aliens have a landing strip to space, and a banquet set up for the alien loving earth stockholders. Then they try to blow up the satellite that is beaming them back to space. Roddy's like: "fuck it", and offs himself for the good of mankind. Only slightly better than his other movie: Hell Comes To Frogtown.
7 out of 10 on a -10 to 10 scale.... that's pretty good, eh?
hello hello. ALERT! Most of the flicks i review in this vloggg consist of guilty pleasures i come across and torture myself trying to get through, or something totally awesome i forgot about. But this little review today consists of my new found love for old detective novels and flicks. First off, I watched Chinatown. This is Roman Polanski's take on 40s film noir: I highly recommend this flick, so I'm not gonna blaze thru this one like usual and spoil anything. But basically you have Jack Nicholson playing a private dick, faye dunaway as the obligatory suspect divorcee/daughter/mistress type chick. Polanski makes his appearance as muscle for one of the main bad dudes & has possibly the best "OH SHIT!" moment in the movie, when Jacko gets his fucking nose sliced open and spends over half the flick with a bandage on his schnozz. There's some heavy historical shit going down in this flick as well, thats pretty much on the nose as far as California political battles over "Ol' Mulholland" (as he's referred to in the Frank Black song off his 2nd solo album, Teenager of the Year) bringing much needed water to the los angeles area by means of a giant aquaduct. Everyone's seen T2 right? The thing they drive the big trucks thru? Yeah, that. John Huston is a creepy old man, and Jerry Goldsmith does the score... You know him from the Planet of the Apes score. Yes you do.
the 2nd flick that i saw was the main inspiration for the Big Lebowski (one of my favorite flicks). Its called The Big Sleep (the 1946 version). Starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.
This is based on the 1939 book by Raymond Chandler that kicked off his series of novels about detective Phillip Marlowe. Again, i actually recommend seeing this. At night when its raining would be the perfect setting. Bogie gets all the babes. You immediately see ties to Lebowski from the first scene w/ a big old dude in a wheel chair who has some classic dialogue and his youngest daughter played by Martha Vickers. She looks at Bogie, and you could swear she's gonna say, "i'll suck yer cock for a thousand dollars." I guess the only reason everyone made so much about Lauren Bacall was that Bogie married her after they did "To Have and Have Not" the previous year. Otherwise, even Raymond Chandler said that Vickers portrayal of Carmen stole the scenes out from under Bacall. According to wiki, the producers caught wind of that and cut more than half of this lil knockout's scenes. Watch the first five minutes with her cooing how Bogie is "cute", and tell me you don't swoon at the knees. Christ, they just don't make em like that anymore. And don't get me wrong, I like the coy bad girl that Bacall tries to play too. I like it when girls try to play tuff. And she's a great singer. She makes Faye Dunaway look like a piece of shit. anyway, all in all, you have a pretty convoluted plot here, but even the Big Lebowski took me a few tries before i "got" it. And if you can keep up, Bogie does a pretty good job of revealing the scam once he finally figures it out himself. I just got a copy of "To Have and Have Not" that ill be perusing very soon. Keep yer eyes peeled flatfoot.
*** PS while i'm at it, i must recommend Thomas Pynchon's new stoner p.i. novel: "Inherent Vice". It is laugh out loud funny, and reads like a sequel to Lebowski. loves it.***
Get a load of this turd from 1974. And to whom do we owe the great displeasure that is festering before our eyes? Well, it could be Jason, since he decided to rent it from Netflixx, but really and truly the blame shall fall squarely on the gourd of Oliver Stone. Yep, this was his first screenplay and directorial debut. For some reason, people really dug this at the drive-in's back in the day. Actually, it was probably a lot better that way... But man, this thing really sucks. Its about a dude who is a writer, and every summer his wife gets a bunch of creepy friends together for this weekend. There's this Count and his wife, a rock dude, an old rich guy and his hot wife, some dorky teen dude, and their young son. Ok, so the writer dude is writing a kids horror story? and he keeps having dreams about something that makes him really jumpy and sweaty. Everyone in this movie seems like theyre perpetually on painkillers. The old rich dude has some classic lines, but other than that there's little build. Then all of a sudden, the little dude from Fantasy Island (yes, him again) comes crashing in the window and just starts beating the hell out of everyone in the room. The old chick spreads some goop on her face after talking to her dead husband in a mirror and then turns super old and jumps out the window. The writer, trying to get out of the room he's locked in, shoots the dork kid in the head. Then a huge disfigured black russian executioner kills the babysitter. Then the rock dude gets fucked to death by the hindu queen of evil. So whoevers left gets told by the 3 visitors that they are fucked, and that they have to try and survive the night, but that only one will be left when the morning comes. The lil midget says, "Stop gwaveling! you cannot pway to god, because he hates you! you might as well pway to me, because I hate you too." Hilarious. then they make the survivors race around the lake. They kill the rich guy, the hot babe tries to split, then they make the writer and her have a fuckin knife fight. She gets her throat cut. Then the wife of the writer is pissed at the writer cause she says its all his fault. The count dude (who somehow watches his wife commit suicide, but then has all the info on who these creeps are) goes outside and gets his head chopped off. The evil queen tries to fuck the writer, he says no, but then his wife teases him, and then she fucks him one last time, then kills herself. But then her ghost tells the queen that she has to kill the writer, not her son. So the fucking dude wakes up like its all a dream, then for some reason, he's asleep again, the kid tries to wake him up but he's dead from a heart attack! PURE HORSESHIT! AND there wasn't even a fucking seizure in the whole movie!!! what the fuck was that about? I guess no one wouldve watched it if it was called Midget Monster Snorefest. Minus 2 Thumbs.
i just did this for a buddy's velvet painting collection. lemme tell ya, painting on velvet is a bitch. And yes, i did listen to a ton of Mercyful Fate and King Diamond when i was painting.
first off RIP Jim Carroll & Patrick Swayze & Henry Gibson. Helluva week.
now, i really have a couple stinkers for ya tonight. One is TOTALLY AWESOME, and one is fucking garbage. the first flick that i watched was a film entitled ZARDOZ. Holy shit. check the trailer: So, Sean Connery stars in a 1974 future vision by John Boorman. He's the dude who did Deliverance. In this flick a giant stone head god named Zardoz comes flying outta the sky to the countryside and screams that "the gun is good and the penis is bad" "go forth and kill" to a bunch of "Brutals". These "brutals" are the chosen killers tho, called "exterminators". then it pukes up a bunch of guns. Connery stows away in the thing and then blasts this dude who's inside. The guy's like: "you idiot." Then it crashes and "Zed" (his name in the flick) goes into the nearest town which happens to be the secret town of the Eternals. Turns out all the rich people got together when one doctor figured out how to make it possible to live forever. But they left the "brutals" or poor people out in the world to grow them crops. "zardoz" traded guns for grain. anyway, these "Eternals" live forever so there's no need to fuck anymore, so theyre all bored as hell, and some of them become "apathetics" or even worse, "renegades". The chicks who find Zed are fighting cause some want to kill him, some want to learn from him, and some want to fuck him. So he's got the whole hen house in an uproar. Weird scenes though, like him licking another dudes hand mess with your mind even more than the constant barrage of psychedelic wardrobe and neat 70s camera tricks. Anyway, i don't wanna ruin it, but there are so many things about this flick that makes me wonder why i haven't seen it until now. You've got connery w/ an amazing ponytail and basically a diaper running around shooting dudes in the head and raping women, an ultimate paradise setup that tries desperately to get some sort of message across about technology and i don't know, cutting an all knowing diamond up into pieces and implanting them into yr forehead to become a part of the all knowing consciousness or "tabernacle". There's something to do with "man behind the curtain" and the joy of bringing death to those with infinite life. You've got it all here folks, boobs, murder, gods, scifi, guns, infinity, a weird jester dude w/ a sharpie painted beard, unbelievably cool future envisioned technology, and about 2 hours worth of crazy camera angles. See this at all cost.
Now on the opposite end of the spectrum. A turd that was once believed to have the possibility to outsell Star Wars: Damnation Alley.
1977 flick about survivors of World War III. ok, so this film has Jan Michael Vincent (Airwolf), George Pepard (The A-Team), & Jackie Earl Haley (Bad News Bears). And you would think w/ the star power that it would be pretty rad, but basically... nothing happens the whole time. This clip is about as hectic as it gets. Jan Michael V & Pepard are the 2 military dudes in the bunker when the shit goes down after the ruskies fire the big one. Earth is decimated. So they survive in the bunker. Then some asshole passes out after beating off to a playboy? (seriously that's a stretch. i thought people read that for the articles. Its classy right?) but he drops a smoke, and blows the whole thing skyhigh. Luckily like 5 dudes escape, and decide to drive to Buffalo, NY in these Crazy armored tank vehicles. One gets f'd up in a heinous storm right away. Then they drive. Then they fight giant scorpions. then they drive. then they find a chick. then they drive. then they fight killer cockroaches. then they drive. then they find a kid. then they drive. then they fight rednecks. then they drive. then they get to buffalo. then everyone is happy. the end. WASTE of valuable time wasting. ok... more soon lovers.
hallo. Do you sit all day @ a cubicle and are bored as shit with your own itunes? Or are you already an avid listener/DJ on yourself? Either way, i am concocting a pretty sweet playlist over @ that is based on my old radio show from college entitled, "Rocknowledgy". you can check it out here:
welcome to another installment of ... well, i guess i never call it the same thing twice... but whatever. This is me telling you about a terrible/awesome movie i just watched. Ok, so i have a ton on the backburner and some that i haven't been actually able to sit thru, b/c i either pass out, or just shut it off b/c its so heinous. But i finally made it thru one tonight. Its a Roger Corman flick entitled, "Deathsport". Stars David Carradine as a "Guide" who from what i could gather, shows the "statesmen" how to get from one city- Helix- to the next- Triton. These "guides" ride on horseback, and have clear swords that they battle these bad dudes with on motorcycles called "deathmachines". The main Scanner from Scanners is like the "Darth Vader" bad dude, and his boss gets brain madness and forces chicks to dance around naked in a dark room w/ crystal poles that swing from the ceiling to some funky space techno music, until he flips a switch and then they start freaking out and the poles start shaking around and... well, i guess scaring the naked chicks, b/c they all start cowering on the floor. There's a hot redhead who gets naked like 3 times, and seeing that was pretty much all that kept me from turning this off. I mean, don't get me wrong, i dig bad movies, but this is pretty rough. It takes them forever to get to the Deathsport part, and then Carradine and the redhead and this dr guy just split into the desert for like a 45 minute chase. Then theres a break where they have to rescue this little girl from some "mutants". Who are just a bunch of dudes in a cave w/ nets around their shoulders, some sunglasses on, and doo-rags on their heads. I won't spoil the ending for you but it doesn't matter anyway, because the best part was the few times you saw the red boosh half an hour ago. They did have these rad flashlight guns that made people disappear though. We could really use some technology like that here in 2009. Check the trailer, but don't go out of your way to find this one, unless you really dig torture. tons of explosions, swords, horses, motorcycles, decent nudity, but only 2 stars... out of like 7.
yo, here's a link to the pdf file of our first ever interview w/ the elusive Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone caught up with me in Italy, I caught up with him in Australia.
ok, beautiful Porto, Portugal, my biscuits straight from Scotland yall, down by the fish pond in Rimeni, Italy, the beaches in Italy are COMPLETELY covered in chairs and tables. don't even think about building a sand castle. and what the hell, here's a van pic of a real castle in Austria.
duschein like a runner in the night @ gas station in Austria, and Ox 45!, a pac ghost, and a bunch of naughty looking chicks in Ulm. "hey damn hanky! these aren't even talls!"
creepiest dolls ive ever fucking seen in a german gas station, klaus our euro tour manager/ agent/ task master extrordinaire, and some pics from Stoned From The Underground Festival in Erfurt, Germany.
just watched a bunch of new trailers. let me start over. First I went to see "MOON" w/ Sam Rockwell, but i got there just in time for the flick and missed the previews... and i HATE missing the previews. The flick was awesome, go see it. So, then I watched a bunch of previews. here's my take: Fantastic Mr. Fox: i'm there for that one. clooney, bill murray, jason schwartzman, itll rule. Tron Legacy: ditto. i don't even remember the first one well (but you can bet ill see it this week) but for some reason, even tho this is disney, i think its gonna be awesome. Ninja Assassin: totally there. haven't seen a good ninja movie in a loooong time. (i mean a new one). The Invention of Lying: probably won't go see it, but the concept is great, and the cast looks good, so itll probably be pretty rad. Big Fan: looks totally depressing. no way jose. patton, stick to making me laugh, not cry. Alice in Wonderland: this looked great until i saw Depp hit the screen, his makeup made me want to punch my laptop. itll still probably be good, but i say that hesitantly. A Serious Man: i love the Coens, and i dig that these look like unknown actors. but i have no clue if itll suck or not. hard to tell by the preview. looks like a sleeper. The Box: now, this looks like a pretty creepy flick! totally down. count me in. I Sell the Dead: im gonna pass on this, but it gets points for having Angus Scrimm, who i think was the fucking "Tall Man" in Phantasm. (yep, he was.) Halloween II: looks like dogshit. The Book of Eli: what the fuck is this supposed to be about? District 9: im in b/c of the alien saying, "i just wanna go home." fucked up.
everything else brand new looks like shit. still waiting on inglorious basterds, and sherlock holmes to wet my appetite. hell, ill even go see where the wild things are. ok, more bad movie reviews soon. ive been without net for toooooo long. chow. down actually. i haven't eaten anything today except a tuna sandwich super early. im starving.
yope. im doing small $25 portraits for a short time so that i can save a little extra scratch for a new ride. the cutlass has left me hangin for the last time. ill do bigger ones or paintings still too if you want, but i thought i would hit the pockets of the poor while i was at it. if youre interested, email me: smokedoggg at gmail dot com. cool. more shit coming soon. im still in a cave.
yo. just got back from Europe, and now im in a cave town where i barely have an hour a day to try and squeeze some net time. so i have tons of pics and vids and all that shite coming soon, but for now, here's a couple drawings i did of ol MJ, and the links where you can purchase them on ebay.
Valient Thorr add another show with Mastodon in Paris, France @ Trabendo on July 6th. It will be Valient Thorr's first show in Paris, so they are excited, and want French girls to come and sweep them off their feet, and feed them, and love them, and hang them up to dry. Bon Swa.
ok, got another one for ya. The Green Slime. This was a pretty good watch. I did feel myself starting to get fidgety tho. I totally could have passed out if i wanted to. But i was on a mission to see this thing thru. Sort of like MST3K. Actually, i just looked it up, and this was to be the very first movie that Mystery Science Theater 3000 watched up on the Satellite of Love. The film has very advanced forethought for the technology of the future. The problem is everyone is so 50's wholesome. Its like if the cast for "Lassie" did Star Trek. Way ahead of its time, but also cheesy on purpose. Bonus: the theme song "The Gree-een Sli-ime" is sung by ol Tom Jones.